For registration, see below.
Norwegian History Days is the largest national meeting place for professional historians in Norway. The conference is arranged annually, and alternates between different locations. For 25 years, the conference has been an important arena for academic debate and presentation of ongoing historical research. Norwegian History Days 2022 will take place in Bergen from 24 to 26 June.
Main Topic: Fragments and fragmentation
In recent years, societal change has received much attention from historians. Society is influenced by climate change, mass migration, renewed international rivalry, nationalism, fake news and new media, identity politics, and political change. Simultaneously, history as a discipline is undergoing international change. Within the discipline of history, the increasing focus on big data, global history, a material philological turn, and multi-perspectivity coincide with a renewed interest for traditional national political perspectives.
The main topic for Norwegian History Days 2022 is “fragments and fragmentation”, and the intention is to open up discussions related to whether patterns of change in history as a discipline and society can be understood as an expression of fragmentation. What is truly happening within the discipline of history – and in the world? Is «fragmentation» an appropriate term to describe the ongoing changes, or are grand narratives rather more relevant than ever? What will the role and function of the history discipline be in a time influenced by fragmentation?
We would like to invite everyone to join in discussing fragmentation, understood in the broadest sense. As always, other topics are also welcome. Norwegian History Days will be a common meeting place for professional historians in Norway. We welcome you to Bergen in 2022!
Registration for Norwegian History Days 2022 contains of two parts. First, you need to submit the digital form found below. Then, you will need to complete the payment for your participation.
After submitting your digital form, you will be transferred directly to a payment site. There, you will find information on payment. You need to choose whether you will pay by Vipps or by invoice. This choice is taken in the digital form.
Form for registration: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=12209763
Deadline for registration: 1 June.
- Student (no dinner): 400 kroner.
- Student (dinner): 700 kroner.
- Participants with HIFO-membership (no dinner): 1250 kroner.
- Participants with HIFO-membership (dinner): 1500 kroner.
- Participants without HIFO-membership (no dinner): 1500 kroner.
- Participants without HIFO-membership (dinner): 1800 kroner.
Call for posters
We invite registration of posters. Posters will be exhibited in the conference area, and participants on the conference will be informed of the exhibition.
There are no formal requirements regarding the size of submitted posters, but it should not exceed the A0 format (120 x 84 cm).
The following elements should be included in submitted posters:
- Title of poster.
- Name of the poster’s writer.
- Reference to the project tied to the poster, if any.
- You are welcome to use tables, graphs, images, and text boxes.
A poster session will also be organized. The poster session will be organized in a seminar room, and participants on the conference will have the opportunity to attend. On the poster session, you will be given an opportunity to present your poster. The presentation may be brief, and may be followed by questions or comments from attendees. In the attached registration form, you can choose whether you would like to present your poster on the poster session or not.
Form for registration of poster: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=12234417
Deadline for registration of poster: 1 June.
For questions, use the following email address: norskehistoriedager@hifo.no.
Call for papers
Registration of sessions and individual presentations is now closed. Thank you for all submissions!
For questions, use the following email address: norskehistoriedager@hifo.no.